My attempt, any feedback would be awesome! (Keep in mind I wrote this late at night in like 5 minutes haha!)
Back before any humans were alive, there lived a being, one of the most powerful being ever to be, his name was Alomancy.
His Brother Notch, created a universe, this universe was called Minecraft. With this newly formed universe, he and Notch began
to create lesser beings, to work together, to flourish and survive, however, it did not end as intended.
The great planet they created, named (WorldNameHere), was magnificent, however the inhabitants they created had started to argue, and
create great conflict. They believed differently how their towns should run, how they should become a great nation, so each grouped up,
they all chose a leader, the leader was voted up, and was the best their group had to offer, and with these new leaders, they built up,
they each lived how they believed they should. This created the Four Great Nations.
All was well, each nation was florurishing it it's own way, but then, one Nation had ran out of supplies, they dug and dug, but could not find
what they needed. They attacked the closest Nation. With this, Nations allied, but truces broke, people died, reigns had shifted
to new leaders. These leaders corrupt, wanting more, wanting to be the best. This is how the Great War started.
Now, the Four Nations, (Nation1Name), (Nation2Name), (Nation3Name), and (Nation4Name), live against eachother, to overcome
the other nations is their goal, to rule over this new Planet created.
Alomancy and Notch tried to save them, but alas it was to late, their minds to corrupt, and now, the War will only be settled one way.
In the Greatest Battle ever fought, There started Four Great Nations in the start of this War, but only one will survive.