The website will go down around 7pm EDT/EST on 2/8/11.
I realize this is short notice, but some maintenance needs to be ran so we can provide you guys with the best! Please be patient, and we will get it back up asap!
The server will also be down for some downtime, as seen in Alomancy's thread for some other maintenance. Thanks for your cooperation!
The maintenance is now complete. We should hopefully be seeing some improved preformance.
Along with the technicals, other content has been edited/added!
The point shop is now opening! You may now purchase a "Forum Companion" or "Pet" for 150 points, found under your avatar. Please note, this is only the start to the Point Shop, a Test if you will, it will be gaining much more new and exciting content down the road!
You will receive points for Profile Messages, Amount of Days Registered, Posts/Threads, and More!
There infraction system is for the most part complete, and ready to go soon! I will be finishing the system tomorrow.
A "ShoutBox" has been added to the forums, I will be editing and messing around with it, to make it fit better!
The Ban List, and a "Report" feature are now being being updated and implemented, expect to see them soon for easier access!
Images such as buttons, are being changed, as you can see, please thank TriggerHog for these amazing pieces of art!
A facebook "like" of The Four Wars, can be found on the side! Make sure to like if you have a facebook!
As many did not like the rank images to much, they have changed once again. Images will not be for normal users as of right now, and the following is a list of the new improved ranks:
Refugee - 0 posts
Squire - 30 posts
Apprentice - 100 posts
Worthy - 200 posts
Knight-Errant - 350 posts
Knight - 500 posts
Holy Knight - 750 posts
Baron - 1000 posts
Holy Mage - 1400 posts
Viscount - 1800 posts
Earl - 2200 post
Count - 2800 posts
Margrave - 3400 posts
Marquis - 4000 posts
Royal Vizier - 5000 posts
Royal Heir - 6000 posts
Duke - 7200 posts
Grand Duke - 8400 posts
ArchDuke - 10000 posts
There's much more to come, so stay tuned!